Thursday, June 15, 2006

Sleep, Alarm Clocks, and Accomplishing Life's Purpose

I do like to sleep. But life is too short to spend more time than necessary sleeping. I hate that feeling of waking up later than I planned to. I imagine the world whizzing by me as I lay there, and I realize that sleep does not accomplish my divine purpose. It does help me to accomplish it, as long as I get enough of it. But, for me, after 7 hours or so, time in bed is wasted time. This is especially true for a morning person like me, who knows that the best and most productive time of the day for me is in the morning before 10 AM.
It's important for me to decide the night before when I'm going to get up in the morning. The first five minutes after I wake up is the worst possible time for me to make a decision about whether to get up or not. But after I'm up for a few minutes, I never regret getting up that early.
It may be different for you; the morning may not be your best time of the day. However, I challenge you to take advantage of your moments on earth, especially the ones when you're at your best. Sleeping is not one of the primary things that you exist to do; it's just there to help you accomplish your real purpose.


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