Monday, June 19, 2006

The Game of Tag, God, and Desperate People

You'll never truly know God unless you pursue Him.
The irony of this is that God has already pursued you, and your pursuing of Him is just a response to His initiative. It's kind of like a divine game of tag, with our souls at stake.
The problem is not that God doesn't play the game; He does, of course, because He invented the game, and has been playing it since the creation of the world. The problem is that we don't play. We're so caught up in our own lives, our own concerns, and our own schedules, that we don't feel His tag. Or we're so lazy and apathetic that we don't respond to it.
The other problem is that God is really difficult to catch and tag. This isn't because He enjoys frustrating's because He wants to know that we're determined and that we will stop at nothing to be with Him. Until we find that determination, God will be very elusive to us.
It's time to stop accepting counterfeits, or even just part of who God is, and chase His fullness. It's time to stop ignoring the ache in our souls, or try to find some cheap substitute for it, and let it drive us to desperation.
One of the ironic truths of the spiritual life is that spiritual discontentment and desperation are good things. Desperate people seem to be the only people who find God. It is a different kind of person who prays for divine discontent and desperation.
If you listen carefully, you may hear a still small voice saying, "Tag! You're it!"


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