Monday, June 26, 2006

Stationary People, Moving Walkways, and Seizing the Kingdom

One of the great deceptions of the "spiritual" life is to somehow think that we made it.
It's not true. It's never true here on earth.
God is always moving, and stationary people don't find Him. Stagnant life creeps up on us. Sometimes, life feels very much like walking the wrong way on a moving walkway. It's a struggle when we're going forward, and when we stop, we're not standing still, but actually moving backward.
Now, it's time to be proactive with God. The time for inactivity is over. The kingdom of God is not apprehended by the complacent, but by those who apprehend it. Seize the kingdom while it is near to you, because it won't always be this close.
Press on towards God, and never accept the lie that you're somehow there, that you made it. You're not, and you didn't. There's always farther to go. One of the things I learned at college is that the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know. The same is true with the journey of knowing God. The closer you get to Him, the more you realize you're farther away from Him than you thought.
And instead of discouraging you, let that push you to go to new heights in seeking Him.


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