Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Closed Doors, Drawing Boards, and the Best Thing

Here I am, back again. In a place of dependency on God and uncertainty about my present, and future.
It's hard to accept the answer "No" sometimes. It's somewhat inconceivable to imagine that God's blessing is in that phrase. But that's what God told me in the midst of my present situation. He intends that answer to be freeing for me. It's His way of saying, "This isn't the best thing for you right now." And isn't that what I want Him to do? It's hard getting a door closed on me, but if that's what it takes for me to get the message and get a handle on what God is doing in my life right now, so be it.
Here I am, back again. At the drawing board. At the place where I must let the Holy Spirit probe my heart and show me what I really want, and what I'm afraid of. Often, those two are the same thing. I'm human. I'd rather take the easy way out, make a way for myself, come to my own decision. But somehow, with God, the hard way always seems to be the way He chooses for me.
So, let's have it. I'll go the hard way. I'll accept "No" as an answer. I'll continue seeking God's will and invite Him to use circumstances to bring clarity and direction. I'll keep pursuing the best, knowing that to get there means that good things will say "No" to me and I'll say "No" to good things. Because good is always the greatest enemy of the best.
Here I am, back again. Waiting in God's presence. Continuing to ask questions, listen for answers, ready to go when He says something besides "No." Until then, I'll draw near to Him and stake a claim on the most valuable real estate in the universe -- the area in front of His throne.


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