Comparison Games, Paintings, and Questioning God
Did God really intend me to be the way that I am?
If we are the canvas and God is the painter, it's safe to say that all paintings are different. Perhaps I would go even a step farther than that. It's almost as if, with some of us, there are fewer colors available for the Painter to use when He starts painting. But somehow, all of the paintings end up to be masterpieces. This is even more remarkable when we consider that the paint is's dirty. The Painter is continually cleaning up the paint that He uses. With all of the things that go wrong in our lives, we still end up as masterpieces.
However, the questions remains: Are some paintings better than others? The Painter would say, all of them are equally valuable. In fact, if the Painter sold all His paintings, they would all have the same price: Priceless.
Sometimes we're so busy playing the comparison game with others that we fail to realize how much God can do with each of us. This is when we need to stop questioning God's wisdom, stop listening to the outside voices that whisper doubt in our ears, and submit to the Painter's will. Because if we'll just go along with Him, we'll see how far He preparing to take us.
Romans 9:20-21 says, "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? 'Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, "Why did you make me like this?"' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?"
The answer to our question is yes. I'm exactly the way God wants me to be...and getting better every day.
If we are the canvas and God is the painter, it's safe to say that all paintings are different. Perhaps I would go even a step farther than that. It's almost as if, with some of us, there are fewer colors available for the Painter to use when He starts painting. But somehow, all of the paintings end up to be masterpieces. This is even more remarkable when we consider that the paint is's dirty. The Painter is continually cleaning up the paint that He uses. With all of the things that go wrong in our lives, we still end up as masterpieces.
However, the questions remains: Are some paintings better than others? The Painter would say, all of them are equally valuable. In fact, if the Painter sold all His paintings, they would all have the same price: Priceless.
Sometimes we're so busy playing the comparison game with others that we fail to realize how much God can do with each of us. This is when we need to stop questioning God's wisdom, stop listening to the outside voices that whisper doubt in our ears, and submit to the Painter's will. Because if we'll just go along with Him, we'll see how far He preparing to take us.
Romans 9:20-21 says, "But who are you, O man, to talk back to God? 'Shall what is formed say to Him who formed it, "Why did you make me like this?"' Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?"
The answer to our question is yes. I'm exactly the way God wants me to be...and getting better every day.
I am just wondering why you dont have any book written...
"Thought of the day by Luke"
"Profundus sententia by Luke"
"What God said to luke by Luke"
In all seriousness you are an awesome writter.
however I cant spell... you are an awesome Writer!
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