Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Easy Life, Adventures, and Following God's Call

The easy life has an allure that is hard to resist. But we must, if we want to live to our full potential.
The easy life has been called other things. The normal life. The common life. In short, it is to do and be what the world expects of us. It is to roll over and yawn when the situation calls for action. It is to try to fill someone else's shoes instead of being ourselves. It is to refuse the opportunity for the adventure of a lifetime. It is to be lazy, selfish, indecisive, and weak.
The calling of God is a different kind of call to a different kind of life. It is to do and be the extraordinary. Life gets much harder when we live like this, but it also gets much better. And those two things -- the best and the difficult -- are not polar opposites. Rather, they are partners. The best never comes by the easy road and the difficult is never mundane.
The call of God is to live an adventure. It is to love more, dream big, and live even bigger. It is to say "Yes" to the unconventional and "No" to the bland and boring. It is to find a collision, a radical fusion between the Word and Spirit of the Living God and the lives of humans. It is to live spiritually hungry and passionate. It is to be a Jesus Christ incarnate, while remaining a simple person in a complicated, confused world. It is to connect to a greater Source, one who provides wisdom greater than the world's wisdom and strength stronger than man's.
To be blunt, the radical life of following God's call is not easy. It's the hardest, most fulfilling thing we could ever do.


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