The Sacred, the Secular, and the Fun Things in Life
Let's say I ask you two questions: What has God called you to do? And, what do you enjoy doing?
Most people would come up with two entirely different answers. They would probably think that those two questions don't have any relation to each other; after all, don't they represent two different spheres of thought?
I need to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way. You can enjoy what God is calling you to do; more than that, you ought to. I would go even a step farther and say, in many cases they are really the same thing. God calls you to do what you enjoy, and what you are excellent at.
"But wait a minute," you say. "That sounds great, but can you really mean that? How can I be fulfilling God's calling on my life when I'm playing computer games? Or fixing something?" What about other things, that aren't "spiritual" at all? Doing makeup? Selling cars? Playing darts? Answering phones? Building houses? Climbing mountains?
Why have we created such a division between the sacred and the secular? In God's eyes, I suspect the only difference in the realm of human endeavor is whether something is done in worship to God. If it is, it's sacred; if it's not, it's secular. Why is it inconceivable that the same God who gave us the ability to do those things, and even be good at them, wants you to do them to bring glory to Him? As long as it is not expressly or implicitly forbidden in the Bible, I don't know of anything in the whole world that can't be done as an act of worship to God, and there are many things (much more than we would initially think) that can be done as a ministry to people.
God is not the heavenly "Fun Police." He's not out to make sure that you don't have a good time while you're on earth. Rather, He's looking for people who will invade the world with their talents and abilities, pursue their dreams and passions, and do it all in worship to Him.
If you think you're doing what God has called you to do, and you're not enjoying it at all, then you're probably not doing God's calling. So go find out what you enjoy doing, what you were made to do, and do it for God.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (I Cor. 10:31).
Most people would come up with two entirely different answers. They would probably think that those two questions don't have any relation to each other; after all, don't they represent two different spheres of thought?
I need to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way. You can enjoy what God is calling you to do; more than that, you ought to. I would go even a step farther and say, in many cases they are really the same thing. God calls you to do what you enjoy, and what you are excellent at.
"But wait a minute," you say. "That sounds great, but can you really mean that? How can I be fulfilling God's calling on my life when I'm playing computer games? Or fixing something?" What about other things, that aren't "spiritual" at all? Doing makeup? Selling cars? Playing darts? Answering phones? Building houses? Climbing mountains?
Why have we created such a division between the sacred and the secular? In God's eyes, I suspect the only difference in the realm of human endeavor is whether something is done in worship to God. If it is, it's sacred; if it's not, it's secular. Why is it inconceivable that the same God who gave us the ability to do those things, and even be good at them, wants you to do them to bring glory to Him? As long as it is not expressly or implicitly forbidden in the Bible, I don't know of anything in the whole world that can't be done as an act of worship to God, and there are many things (much more than we would initially think) that can be done as a ministry to people.
God is not the heavenly "Fun Police." He's not out to make sure that you don't have a good time while you're on earth. Rather, He's looking for people who will invade the world with their talents and abilities, pursue their dreams and passions, and do it all in worship to Him.
If you think you're doing what God has called you to do, and you're not enjoying it at all, then you're probably not doing God's calling. So go find out what you enjoy doing, what you were made to do, and do it for God.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (I Cor. 10:31).
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